So how bout those Broncos? Last night 30 or so of the students watched the Super Bowl on a projector in the common room. We were up past 4 in the morning and it didn’t disappoint, especially after Payton’s shout out to Budweiser in the post game. The NFL is really starting to catch on here in Europe, but after last night I’m convinced half of the people were only interested in Beyoncé. Anyways, congrats on the win J Rodge. I’m glad that Broncos banner hanging in our room last quarter wasn’t for nothing.

This week I got a chance to take the train up to the mountains and it was probably the best skiing I’ve had in a long time. The mountain was covered in soft snow cliffs and the Voss resort was deserted. Compared to the sketchy long drives up to Stevens Pass this was a treat. I got to sit back and relax for a little over an hour as we passed through the Fjords, which had just beIMG_7303en coated in snow from the hurricane a week previous. Yes, a hurricane. They called it Thor and it was pretty crazy. I got off the train in Voss and a British guy picked me up in his hippy van, which used to take the skiers up to the resort on probably one of the snowiest skinniest roads I’ve ever seen. He was bumping Outkast the whole way and I was reminded by one of the biggest reasons I came to Norway. To ski, and to meet people from around the world who love to do the same. It was a great day and I even schemed the next ski trip up with a few Norwegians on the train ride back.

You may be wondering what the title of this post “programslippfest” means and to roughly translate it would be, “program release party.” This night kicked off the beginning of the three week long UKEN festival that will start in February. It was my first opportunity to take pictures for the festival and it was awesome. rapI don’t think I’ll ever see so many drunk college students in a business school again or rather for it to be politically acceptable. It has a full size bar with an upper level observatory and the room is called the Aulaen. I couldn’t believe how professional the sound, lights and performers were. Here is a link to the flickr account for the event UKEN i Bergen. Keep in mind all of the people putting on this event are students, but it seems some of them have a future in the positions they volunteered for. People come from all over the world just to Alex-4participate in this event and I feel very lucky to be apart of it. The next UKEN event is called the Full Moon Party, it’s also in the Aulaen where I will not be taking pictures and instead this time celebrating with the Norwegians. Click on the link for an idea of what continues to amaze me as to what is allowed in an educational building.

Well, it’s been a great first month here in Norway. This week I’ll be celebrating my 21st birthday, which I’ll of course be doing in traditional U.S. fashion. This one’s for the carlos boozers.



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